Waldorf Essentials Class/Grade 6

This child stands firmly on the ground. they have crossed over the spaces of childhood and are now likely eagerly anticipating becoming a teen and what lies ahead. This child needs more responsibilities. You will be stretched this year! Our curriculum will help.

Class/Grade 6 Walk Through


“Receive the children in reverence, educate them in love, and send them forth in freedom.” — Rudolf Steiner

All full curriculum includes:

  • Completely laid out main lessons for all the blocks, including mathematics.
  • Includes all the geometry lessons for the year.
  • Many main lesson pictures.
  • Complete Class Six training course, unlimited access for life.
  • Audios & Videos for support.
  • You will need some main lesson story resources.  We provide recommendations to consider.

 ​​​​This is accessible for the whole world, the schedule is easy to adapt no matter where you are schooling from.

Need to see a sample? HERE you go. 


We have many options for your Class Six Journey:

It's always nice to have everything you need!

This option includes everything mentioned above PLUS

  • Hard copies of the curriculum and hard copy of our Planning for Peace planner sent to you.
  • Immediate digital access so you can get started right away.
  • Unlimited access to the training program.
  • Live planning help (for one year)
  • Live coaching sessions twice per month in a time zone that allows for the world to attend. (for one year).
Hard Copies US Families $675 Hard Copies International Families $715

Don't need the mentoring? 

Maybe you don't need the live help, that's completely ok! Many people feel like they've got this and just want the texts so they can get busy! This is a great option for you.

You'll receive:

  • If you choose a hard copy of the curriculum it will be sent to you.
  • Immediate digital access so you can get started right away.
  • Digital and printable pdf. of our Planning for Peace planner. *NO planner will be shipped.  
  • Planning for Peace Planner hard copy option to purchase directly from our publisher. 
  • Unlimited access to the training program. There is no private support with this option but you DO have access to our free Facebook group, you can access that HERE. 
Hard Copies United States $375 Hard Copies International $415 Digital Only $300


Q.  Does this include all the curriculum I will need to teach class six at home?

We include the main lessons for Roman history, geology, geography,  the Middle Ages, mathematics and geometry. You will need to choose some texts for story content and we recommend some in the curriculum.

Q. Does this include supplies?

A. This program does NOT include supplies such as crayons, beeswax, etc. We have a favorite supplier, you can find her HERE.  There is a recommended supply list in the curriculum.

Q. Is coaching included?

A. If you have purchase the Live Support package then you will receive live coaching in the curriculum, parenting and family challenges as well as planning your year. Our coaching calls happen twice per month and additional live planning calls are scheduled throughout the year.

Q. Is the training course required to teach this curriculum?

A. We realize many Waldorf families are low media and while we support that, please note that the training program includes things that will enhance and enrich your teaching, including eurythmy, art and more that are NOT included in the curriculum itself. These are pieces that are impossible to teach without a video. You will have the fullness of your Waldorf teacher training experience by working through the videos in the course.

Q. Is this curriculum secular? 

A. That is a tricky question! We encourage inner work for parents.  That is spiritual but NOT religious in content.  In this curriculum, like all true Waldorf curriculum, you will encounter spiritual content in the festivals and cultural content in the lessons. If you have concerns about religion, please see the article we wrote HERE

Q. Is this digital or hard copy?

A. You can choose digital only access or to have hard copies sent to you.  

Q. Do you offer payments? 

A. YES!  We offer AfterPay at checkout which will offer interest-free convenient payments.  But, you'll get access right away!

Q. This looks pretty Mom centered, are you sensitive to non-traditional families?

A. YES!  In our home, both my husband, Erik and I do the teaching AND the working.  We work with moms, dads, grandparents, foster/adoptive parents and more. We are here to help you be present and connected with your CHILD, that is our focus.

Q. How long does shipping take for hard copies? 

A. Approximately 3 weeks.

Q. I still have questions, how can I answer them?

A. Send us an email we are happy to help. 


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