261. No Stress Circle Time

Season #1

Melisa Nielsen at Waldorf Essentials is here to help you with your circle time. 


- Younger children.


- Older children.


- When do kids tend to grow out of circle time. 


- Singing. What if you feel you aren't good at it?


- Verses. 


- Fingerplays. 


- Movement. 


- Circle time with one child. 


Let's get you confident leading your circle time. If you aren't a Thinking, Feeling, Willing member this is a great training we offer!


You can also find us on all podcast platforms "Waldorf Essentials"

Please share with your fellow parenting friends and homeschoolers. We are in this journey together. 


Have the homeschool and peaceful foundation of your dreams. 


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/waldorf_essentials/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WaldorfEssentials/

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/waldorfessentials/_created/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WaldorfMelisa


50% Complete

Two Step

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