154. Is Waldorf Expensive?

Season #1

Melisa Nielsen at Waldorf Essentials busts the myth that Waldorf Homeschooling has to be expensive. 


- There are a lot of resources. 

- Take Waldorf Essential samples and listen to our videos or podcast and you could create a lot from there. 

- Use what you already have!

- Steiner said kids could model from mud in the street if need be. 

- Save $5 a week, that's $20 a month to start getting supplies you would like to have. 


You can also find us on all podcast platforms "Waldorf Essentials"

Please share with your fellow parenting friends and homeschoolers. We are in this journey together. 


Have the homeschool and peaceful foundation of your dreams. 


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/waldorf_essentials/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WaldorfEssentials/

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/waldorfessentials/_created/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WaldorfMelisa


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