Waldorf Essentials

Waldorf Essentials

Hosted by: Melisa and Erik Neilsen

Who are we? I’m Melisa! A mom of five children with only two left at home. I’ve been a wife, an ex-wife and a wife again. Two of my children have spectrum struggles. My oldest has ASD (autism spectrum disorder) and my...


288. Cultivating Quiet Time

Season #1

Melisa Nielsen at Waldorf Essentials answers the question most families have. "How do you create daily quiet time?" - Rhythm is key, when you are consistent and the children know what's coming next they do not...
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287. The Progression of Writing in Your Waldorf Homeschooling

Season #1

Melisa Nielsen at Waldorf Essentials guides us through the progression of writing in Waldorf Homeschooling. This is a much different approach than other schooling options.  - The Main Lesson Book - Summaries - Copy...
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286. { Auriel's Light } End of Year Homeschool Tip to Enjoy This Time

Season #1

Yes, Melisa knows the difference between the Roman Colosseum and the Parthenon.....  Learn more about Planning for Peace  https://www.waldorfessentials.com/store Need support? Send us an email at...
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285. I Have Bad Days

Season #1

Melisa Nielsen at Waldorf Essentials received the question: "You must never have bad days?" She does, and this is how she navigates them.  Waldorf homeschooling can feel like a large feat to take on. Melisa has 15+...
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284. Thinking, Feeling, Willing

Season #1

Waldorf homeschooling can feel like a large feat to take on. Melisa has 15+ years of experience to help guide you along the way. Melisa inspires you with: - Foundations for early childhood - Waldorf curriculum by...
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283. Adjusting As They Get Older in Your Parenting and Homeschooling

Season #1

Melisa Nielsen at Waldorf Essentials helps you honor the signs that the child does grow up and we need to adjust with them.    - When they are over circle time - When they are tired of the stories - When they want to...
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282. Having Difficult Conversations

Season #1

Melisa Nielsen at Waldorf Essentials shares a hard topic today.  - Having a difficult conversations.  - Age appropriate conversations.  - Being mindful of your location.  - Being mindful of exposing your family to a...
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281. F.A.Q. Teens

Season #1

Grab your headphones for this episode. Melisa Nielsen at Waldorf Essentials tackles a big topic today.  Teenagers - Phones - Monitoring phones - Searching the internet - Video games - Shows - Movies - Friends -...
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280. { Auriel's Light } Working and Homeschooling

Season #1

Part 2 Available here: https://www.aurielslight.org/donate Learn more about our Waldorf Homeschool Curriculum  and Planning for Peace here: https://www.waldorfessentials.com/store Learn more about Seasons of Seven...
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279. Making Friends

Season #1

Melisa Nielsen at Waldorf Essentials shares: - Making Mom Friend Tips - Navigating Friends for Your Child - Co Op Friends - Play Dates - Park Meet Ups You can also find us on all podcast platforms "Waldorf...
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278. It's Hard, Make Something Happen Today

Season #1

  Melisa Nielsen at Waldorf Essentials asks you a hard question: "Will you be an object or an agent?" - Melisa shares an experience in her life that was really hard. She shares to inspire you and share with you the...
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277. The Path to Reading

Season #1

A common concern among homeschooling parents is teaching your child to read.    In this video, Melisa discusses how Waldorf education teaches reading; and why it's recommended to wait longer to start.    She also...
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