Crafting a Health Home Rhythm Part 4 - Holding the Space & Proper Authority

"How do we as parents, in today's complicated, frantic world, create an atmosphere of regularity, consistency and stability? 

How best can we nurture our young child's capacities for peace, creativity, ingenuity?

The answer is simple, though not always easy. We do it by supporting their life-building will energies with the basic elements of Waldorf early education: physical and emotional warmth; a wholesome, nourishing diet; an atmosphere of beauty and reverence; consistent daily rhythms; calm, loving authority and guidance. 

While each of these elements is important, appropriate rhythm and authority are particularly crucial in developing what Steiner called the "will energies." They also are particularly challenging to manifest today. " ~ Marcy Axness, PhD (Renewal Magazine, A Journal for Waldorf Education) 

When I work with families, one of the hardest things for moms to come to terms with is how to hold the space and proper authority.  Most of us either...

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