I want to do Waldorf homeschooling but it is so hard!

homeschooling May 12, 2024

I have heard this from many over the years. I try hard to not chuckle because when I started down this path there really was very little in the way of support. Eric Fairman's guides were about the only guides out there unless you wanted to spend hundreds of dollars on one of the two big companies. 

That money was never in my budget so I would each summer buy Fairman's newest book and write what we would do for the school year - it would take me a good two months to get it all in place but then I was set. I remember being so thankful for what was there. I also took this time to really get to know me, I was on a spiritual journey and I realized that Waldorf was as much about healing myself as it was about educating my children. I took the time to read Steiner and to formulate what would later become our books.

Waldorf isn't supposed to be easy, but it is WORTH IT. 

With anything in our lives that is worth having, it is worth working for. 

You were drawn to Waldorf...

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Finishing the Homeschool Year

homeschooling Apr 14, 2024

I tend to get a fair amount of emails this time of year that sound a little frantic.

"We got off track and there is no way I will finish!"

"I am stuck!  We all just want to play and we are not finished."

Sound familiar at all? Or maybe you just didn't intend to have as many sick bugs as you were struck with...or maybe you have a little one that gave you more fits than you expected? So many reasons that we get off track.  The important thing isn't to sit and dwell on the WHY. Now is the time to take stock and think about how you can spend the next 6-8 weeks getting finished up.

Something I always do is look at my original plan, exactly how far off am I?

a week?

a month?

WHAT? You didn't make a plan?

ok, that means you need to email me and set up a consult! I can't fix that in a blog post. I can help you fix a week or a month though. GET SUPPORT HERE

Grade 1: What are you behind on? Letter introduction  How is the process of learning going?  Remember that it is a...

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When someone asks you WHY, tell them you are a pioneer.

homeschooling parenting Mar 24, 2024

Years ago, we went through our old house with our sweet landlady. She hugged me and said we were the best renters she ever had - and she had MAJOR reservations in the beginning because of the size of our family. She gave me the biggest compliment... she said... "You and Erik are such pioneers. When the Spirit calls you to something you answer right away. I admire that."

I thought about that for a bit... I pondered our lives, what we do, how we do it and what our family means to each other.

I really did think about her words... that we were pioneers. What does that even mean? 
I guess I am one. 

People used to call it being wacky or weird or just plain odd. In my younger days I probably would have just been labeled or given myself a label of "alternative" and that is a fine label if you want to carry it. But pioneering means so much more. I think I had to fully stand in my own biography to grasp it all. When I started out breastfeeding and cloth diapering, I wasn't...

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Why Do Some Fail When They Try to Homeschool?

homeschooling Feb 25, 2024

I had a client ask this question and I pondered it a bit. As I have been working through my own planning and also reflecting on my career as a homeschooling mom.

What makes us fail?

All of us have an off year here and there - some of us have several years that are not what we'd like, whether it is a birth, death, divorce, illness... or even just an off time for us as Mom, it happens to us all.  What separates those who fail (or think they fail) from those who don't is one thing...

Often those seeming *failed* years aren't - especially if you had a plan. To have a plan, you have to have will. To execute your plan you have to have even more will. To execute your plan in the face of adversity and trials takes a mountain of will. We've had a few gnarly years ourselves and my planning saved me - when I was ill before Sariah was born and on bedrest, that plan kept me sane - when we went through legal battles with my former husband and I wanted to melt into a heep on...

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The Waldorf Main Lesson


Being attracted to Waldorf's beautiful lessons is a great place to fall in love, but then there is often a gap in translating that to our homes. It takes time and a great deal of practice. When our curriculum gives instruction to tell the story and draw/paint or model on day one and recall and summarize together on day two, what exactly does that mean? What is your planning part and how do you make that happen?

Let's break it down - first, this is NOT a replacement for proper planning, but consider this post a bit of a crash course.  What sets Waldorf apart is that it touches the WHOLE child.  The main lesson drawings are part of this WHOLE child approach.  This means that each main lesson touches the child: THINKING, FEELING and WILLING.  As part of your learning with Waldorf, it should be your goal to fully take in all that Waldorf is so you can bring it to your child....

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Ordering of Homeschool Days is All About Rhythm

homeschooling Nov 12, 2023

What do we do on days taken off from school, how is the flow, what holds it together?
I think this has so much to do with rhythm.  

On days off, I still hold a rhythm. The only day that looks really different in my house is Sunday... and perhaps big holidays like Christmas when the people here try to beat me in getting up.  Everyday - at least the ones I intend to enjoy - keep a rhythm. It may be more relaxed, but even days off from school have me up early and preparing for the day.  On our day off from school, we still rise and keep regular meal times, we study scriptures together, we sing, we keep a flow.  If it is a day off, then after those morning rituals are complete, we will carry on with our celebration. Sunday has a different flow marked by us preparing Saturday.  There is a sweet song that we sing with the words:

 "Saturday is a special day. It's the day we get ready for Sunday: We clean the house, and we shop at the store,  so we don't...
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Waldorf Homeschooling, How Will I Fit it All in?

homeschooling Aug 06, 2023

I come across this a lot and whether we have known Waldorf for years or are new coming to it, Waldorf Guilt is something most of us know and can relate to.  When we first start learning about the method for homeschooling it can be daunting and exciting all at the same time - many moms realize that this was something they were looking for their whole life and finally it is all right here!

Then they lay awake at night and worry about all the things they "missed" or all the things they want to do - painting lessons, knitting circles, gnome making, eurythmy, don't forget all the plastic toys need to be trashed, clothes burned and all the kitchen cabinets must be emptied to make room for a grain mill and a 50# bucket of wheat!  All of this and your child might only be 3 years old!

BREATHE!  Most of us have been there or still go there once in a while!  Sure even I lay awake at night wondering what to do - for about 3 minutes then I am out cold! lol. I learned long...

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The Homeschool Curriculum Junkie

homeschooling Jul 23, 2023

I know, I know - you are rolling your eyes right now thinking "sure she'll talk about that because she only wants us to buy hers!" NOT SO! I want you to buy what is right for your child, your style and your family and that could mean mine or others on the market. My purpose for this blog post isn't to promote us - it is simply to save you headache, heartache and frustration.

It is to save you from standing back and knowing that you have it all and don't know where to start!  Of course there are the moms that come to me and say "but I want to have a lot of options to pull from!" I can understand that, I really can, but take it from some who has experience - too much is TOO MUCH!  It doesn't help you plan better or learn more efficiently, it usually only serves to make you lay awake at night trying to figure out how to piece it all together.

Now I should note that I am not talking to folks who pull together their own mix from scratch, that is a different post all together....

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The Mood of the Waldorf Home...school

homeschooling Jul 02, 2023

I have had a lot of questions about how to cultivate mood at home. I think this is one of those things that you take for granted after you've been at this for a while. We can feel if the mood is off or on. It comes from doing. Reading all the books about the school setting or looking at pretty blog posts won't help with the mood.

One night it struck me. I was watching a silly movie after all the kids were in bed. Ramen Girl. It was a great little feel good movie. In the movie, the girl wants to learn the age old tradition of making Ramen (not the cheap stuff you get at the store!) This seems to be a big deal for her teacher as it is more than just a recipe that you put together in a pot. She watches and watches and tries and tries.  She fails time and again. Her teacher tries to help her understand that it isn't the ingredients, it is the Spirit that she is missing. She eventually breaks herself down and becomes humble and then her soup is successful.  Where am I...

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Where Do I Get Confidence for Homeschooling and/or Parenting?

homeschooling parenting Jun 25, 2023

I have had a few questions about confidence so I was thinking it may be a hot topic among others. It is also a great topic for those with family events. 

Where does it come from?  It comes from doing something that you know is RIGHT and that you believe in.  It also comes from being well versed enough that you can talk to others about what you are learning - that comes with a bit of time. With our Thinking, Feeling, Willing program, you will have more confidence in how the curriculum is laid out, but it won't be until you see it in action that you will gain a full testimony.  Right now you'll have to lean a bit on my confidence.

For those of you who breastfed or still do, remember back to those first early days of being a Mom for the first time... your breasts were giant from your milk coming in and you were unsure about nursing in public. Maybe you were heckled by others and you just couldn't get comfortable, but you knew this was the right path so you stuck to...

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