Menus and Chores for Parenting and Homeschooling

home keeping Apr 21, 2024

"Things in space
Speak to the senses,
Changing in time.
The human soul in cognizing...
Unlimited by space,
Untouched by time...
Reaches into the Kingdom of Eternity"

I take criticism now and then that I am too organized, too rigid, on the contrary! I am fully aware and continually balancing the realms of Lucifer and Ahriman - the one that loves chaos and the one that binds. We have to find the Christ in the center - the balancing.

Over the last several years, I have a saying from our church that I ponder extensively.

"Organize yourselves;
prepare every needful thing;
and establish a house,
even a house of prayer,
a house of fasting,
a house of faith,
a house of learning,
a house of glory,
a house of order,
a house of God."
 ~ These are the things I seek.
This peace, this balance.

So with that here I am posting about menus and chores!

First menus! Now these can be CRAZY detailed or fairly lax.(Do NOT get lost on Pinterest!) I really think this depends a lot on who you are, how...

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How to Clean Your Home When You Have Little's

home keeping Dec 24, 2023

When my kids were little, cleaning needed to happen but it couldn't take all day. I thought I would share a bit on how I survived then.


Be simple.

So easy to say yet I know it isn't always easy to do. When my oldest was 5, we moved from a 2000 square foot house in Utah, to a 4000 square foot house in Idaho. Space doesn't help a ton, decluttering does! You still have to find a home for the stuff. Sure, that was a great house, I had a craft/sewing room, we had a guest room, a giant master... it didn't last. It was too much for me to handle, I felt like I was living too spread out and I didn't care to buy more furniture to fix it. Then we moved to a 1200 square foot 1900's house. I LOVED that house! That is the house that I remember doing the most cleaning - the most growing in. I spent some time in that house single after my divorce, before moving into a 600 square foot apartment. 

How do you do it? 

Be simple.

PLAN.  I know that is my answer to everything. I...

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